Only seven more days of classes and four exams until this semester finally comes to an end. I am so ready! The past couple of weeks have worn me out. I hate when I get stressed because it begins a vicious cycle. It starts with stress eating. Then, because I've eaten so much, I don't feel like working out. And I come up with all this stuff I have to do besides working out, but I don't get those things done either. So, I've been unproductive and I'm feeling gross. This past week, I did get a lot of work done, but I didn't improve my physical well-being. For some reason, I can't get back on track. I keep saying, "Okay, tomorrow I will work out," but I don't. It doesn't just affect me, it affects my loving husband. I get mopey, I don't clean, I don't make him breakfast in the morning and I pour my heart out to him every night when we get in bed. (I'm also really uncomfortable going to bed at night when I have been unhealthy, because I get hot and my body just doesn't feel right.) I hate being like this. Though, my love is the most understanding and caring husband. He just listens and helps me relax.
But, ultimately only I can fix my physical health. Two weeks from today I will be running another 5k. I was hoping to keep up with running since my last 5k, but no success with that. I've just been too busy. (But, that's not really a good excuse EVER.) Anyway, two weeks from today I will also be done with classes. I don't want to put off getting in shape until then. I want to be back on track already. My goal for the next two weeks is to do 30 minutes of cardio each weekday at least. I will have my mornings back since I don't have to teach this week, so I will work out first thing. I'm also going to eat in moderation. Blogging about this will help me stay motivated and keep me focused!
Here's to being ME again!